Do you have a new online project you want to start, but unsure of whom to hire? Then you’re in the right place! Below we go through the top four reasons why you should hire a small web design agency, compared to larger companies and freelancers.
1. Vital Information Lost In Translation
While the thought of working with a larger web design and development agency may sound like a good idea, their process tends to be quite different compared to smaller agencies. You’ll find projects will get passed through multiple members of staff. This may initially sound like a positive thing, but key information tends to get lost in translation while it’s being past from person to person throughout the company, like a game of Chinese whispers. This will then result in the project not meeting expectations and slacking in certain areas. The developers and designers also won’t be able to directly contact the client to discuss the project or to explain their designs and thought processes.
However, smaller agencies have a more hands on approach, so both sides will have a clearer understanding of the requirements for each project. The designers and developers will be more involved taking ownership of each project they work on and having the ability to contact the client directly to discuss any ideas or questions they may have. This gives smaller agencies more flexibility and the freedom to be more creative, while exceeding the client’s expectations.
2. Two (or more) heads are always better than one
A freelancer may be a good option for some clients and there are some extremely good ones out there, but how much can you actually rely on them? There will always be times that they go on holiday, take time off or too hungover to get of bed, which can be quite frustrating as it will delay your project.
With a small web design agency, there will always be someone there; giving you peace of mind that someone will pick up your calls and action any requests as soon as possible. You’ll also never have to worry about your project being left at the bottom of the pile if a developer or designer goes on holiday or has any time off from work.
Smaller agencies will also have a wider range of ideas, styles and opinions on each project compared to just an individual freelancer. In addition to this, they’ll have a wider skill set and specialise in more areas. This enables small agencies to take on a diverse range of clients and not be restricted to just one or two areas of expertise.
3. Small agency pricing, with large agency talent
Lets face it, whether you’re re-designing your brand or developing a shinny new website for your organisation, these types of projects can be pretty pricey especially with larger agencies. They will have larger offices, way more staff and overall more expenses, which results in their clients having to pay more. However, a small design agency will have a smaller, but just as capable team and their overall expenses will be much less. This will enable them to put more resources into each of their projects and offer more affordable pricing. It’s a win-win situation all round.
4. Each client is just as important, no matter the size of their budget
Each client should feel valued and treated like one of the most important clients to the company, no matter the size of their budget. Most large web design companies will favour clients with larger budgets, making smaller clients feel lost and forgotten at the bottom of the list. Small agencies such as us at Reactive have more of a personal relationship with each client and and make sure they go that extra mile to ensure you’re happy.
As you can see from the four points above, large agencies and freelancers may be the right fit for some specific projects, but all in all, you certainly get more ‘bang for your buck’ with a smaller web design agency. This is especially true for white label web design, where a dedicated team can provide high-quality, customized solutions at a more competitive price.