Tis the season to be jolly, fa la la la la la….Well you know the rest!
What a fantastic year it has been for our London WordPress Agency! We have worked with loads of wonderful new and returning clients and launched many great projects this year and we hope you have enjoyed reading our blog articles during 2015!
Our gift to you this festive season is a well-research list of our top 7 Christmas Websites (sorry we could stretch to 10 without really scraping the barrel!) I hope you enjoy!
Top 7 BEST Christmas websites!
1. Norad Santa
NORAD santa IS the original website for tracking Santa’s whereabout on Christmas eve. Bringing delight to many children as they watch his location and see him hop from town, city and country – but never stopping at their house, as he doesn’t visit until the children are sleeping.
NORAD is the military organisation responsible for the aerospace defence of North America, airing warnings of impending missile attacks as well as tracking St Nicks where about’s on Christmas eve.
2. Northpole
Northpole.com is a delightful website which gives you access into Santa’s secret village which consists of several different houses, full of people ‘contributing’ to the success of Christmas. There’s a count down to santa’s arrival, games, recipes and a craft section which you can be lead around by one of Santa’s lesser known reindeers, Raymond! As far as website design goes this one is a little past its sell by date, however it offers quite a lot of festive features which are likely to keep your family entertained for a few hours.
3. Email Santa
This website does exactly what it says on the tin. On registering your name it allows you to complete a contact form style list of check boxes and then Bobs your uncle, Santa replies almost instantaneously. Another feature of this website is that once the letter is sent you get to know whether or not you are on the naughty or nice list with a Facebook style thumbs up. I am not sure how this is calculated, whether it’s based on your contact form answers or whether Santa really is watching all year round.
My favourite part of this website by far, is the live update of letters sent by kids from around the world; ‘I love iPods so please can I have one’ Harrison, 8, UK
In true Google style, this website is a material design masterpiece full of interesting illustrations and animations. This website is dotted with interactive games, learning features and some short animations.
My favourite feature of the website is the ‘learning’ section on Christmas traditions around the world. The animated map allows you to click on pins in different countries and see what they traditionally get up to in the festive season.
There’s also a animated direction game, which aims to teach you code in the process. This is probably one not to attempt after a few sherries!
Overall this is a very well designed website and again would help all ages and abilities get into the Christmas spirit.
5. Santa Live
This interesting but somewhat invasive live stream allows you to follow the life of Santa and see him whenever and whereever he is. (Well within limitations – Although I haven’t actually watched him for a full day…) Anyway this is quite a fun way to instil the spirit of Santa Claus and help the young ones believe!
6. Elf yourself
This has been a firm favourite around the world wide web for a couple of years! All you have to do is upload a snap of your face and 4 others and the website will superimpose your head on to that of a dancing elf. It is quite amusing and I have seen many kids (and adults) giggle over this time and time again, however it is a little bit like, well, you’ve seen it once!
Having said that, this is quite a fun alternative to the traditional Christmas card!
As ever, BBC are just the greatest at compiling the very best of festive favourites and taste-bud tantalizing treats and this one is no exception. With a easy to navigate list of wonderful recipes and heaps of ‘I can almost taste it’ visuals, the Good Food guide is a winner winner, Christmas dinner.
So there you have it, the top 7 websites to get you in the Christmas spirit this winter! So all that’s left of 2015 is to Eat, Drink and be very Merry! If you need help with your business website design or branding this holiday season, then get in touch to see how we can help you today! You can also view some of our recent projects here or below.
Have a good one.
Team RG