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TransCrisis is a European Commission’s funded project as part of the Horizon2020 programme which aims to research the boundaries and affects of crisis management in a multi-level system across institutions of all governance settings. TransCrisis is a project supported by the London School of Economics (LSE) which aims to act as a catalyst for debate in both research and understanding of transboundary crises.

We were approached by the TransCrisis team to design and develop a website that would act as a reference site for their project. The team required a clean and minimal design.

We developed this WordPress website for TransCrisis in a responsive format so that it would be available across multiple platforms, browsers and devices. The team are able to manage their contents through the CMS which has been customised to their exact requirements.

The website also features a live Twitter feed, blog page and an easy to use navigation system. Information on the web site is constantly being updated and each section is easy to access.


picture or interconnected globe
