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Here’s a few reasons why we think you should…


Technology seems to dictate the pace of every day life and keeping in touch/up to date is important for staying relevant in the eyes of your target audience.


Your website says a lot about your company and if you are not willing to invest in your web presence then are you a company that a potential client would want to invest their time in? Every day we a bombarded with advertising, whether we have become desensitized or not, it is there. We are used to big, bold and bright in your face branding.


Technology advances so quickly, as web designers we embrace these challenges and are constantly learning new techniques to support our creativity! But, due to this rapid expansion it is easy to get left behind.


Like with all technology, a website shows it’s age quickly and is something I would recommend updating yearly. It doesn’t matter how well designed a site is, taste, fashion and technology continue to change and it only has a limited lifespan. We are currently re-designing our website to take advantage of recent technologies.


Reactive have been working on updates to a trendy video/TV site We have created a separate section for music videos on the website. This new part of the site has taken design elements from the current landing page but still retains it’s own identity with changes to the colour palette, menu and layout.




If you are considering updating your website don’t hesitate to get in touch!

